bobbi herman Peoria Arizona real estate realty one group

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That Dreaded "May I Follow Up With You Question..."

If you do select the box indicating that I can follow up with you in the future I promise that I won't be overbearing or annoying. In fact I probably won't even follow up that often. I know that just because I send you an email won't make you all of a sudden be ready to buy or sell a home. Over the years I have found that when someone is ready to buy or sell a home they will contact me. Funny how that works huh? You'd think other Realtors would have figured that out by now.

I don't even have an automated email system. Probably dumb of me, but I like the personal touch of sending someone an actual email that I wrote that day instead of the same canned information to everyone.

Hopefully you will think it is nice to get a reminder email once in awhile so you can remember who I am.

Thanks for requesting that I email "Risks and Rewards of Specialty Types of Mortgage Loans" to you.

Talk to you soon,

Bobbi Herman

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