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Join Our Client Appreciation Program

I am happy you have decided to join our client appreciation program.

I encourage you to fill out the questions below as thoroughly as you can. We use the responses for a variety of reasons. The birth dates are important because of internet laws. The other questions are helpful to make sure I am delivering relevant content.

I ask what you do for a living because I am always looking for oppotunities to refer business to other people I know. No sense if sending business to an unknown company if I can help out someone personally. Who knows, maybe there will be opportunities to work together. We'll never know unless I ask what you do for a living and you give me an answer.

About Our Client Appreciation Program

If you haven't already read about client appreciation program then please be sure to read up on it. I really think it is a great program (after all I did design it myself.)

To make sure the information stays fresh, we will have guests from different industries to make sure that you are getting great information from our newsletters. Plus all the other benefits that we will be adding soon. *(For instance we are working with our business partners to roll out special savings that only members of our client appreciation program will be eligible for.)*

Before joining you may want to read our privacy policy so that you know I take the space in your inbox very seriously. I hate spam, and you will never get any unwanted email from me. If for some reason you ever wish to stop receiving information from me, you can reply to any email I send and just ask me to remove you. I'll lose your contact information. No problems, no quesitons asked, no hassles.

Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Client Appreciation Program Sign Up

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
Last Name*
E-mail Address*
Street Address*
Zip/Postal Code*
Home Phone*
Date of Birth*
Are you married?*
If yes, what is your spouse's name
Spouse's date of birth
Anniversary date
What do you do for a living?*

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