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Pulte Homes

Pulte Homes started building in 1955. They are now one of the nation's largest home builders and I have heard they have built over 500,000 homes now. That's a lot of lumber.

If you were to visit their website you will see all the things every home builder says about themselves. Things like quality, excellence, blah, blah, blah. I've heard it before. I will hear it again. Sometimes I think all these big companies hired the same marketing firm or they just copied each other's marketing materials.

But one of the more interesting bits of information is there warranty. I can't recall ever seeing anyone publish such a comprehensive document about their warranty. That impressed me.

I also think that their 7 step process they outline about the building time line is nice. Many builders have some sort of process like this, but Pulte seems a bit different in that they have a month 11 follow up visit. usually if you have bought a new home that builder wants to be done with you by then because settling will have started to take place and they aren't going to want to hear you complain at the micro cracks in the dry wall. So I give them some props for that.

Pulte Homes Contact Information

I wish I didn't need to provide their contact information, because hopefully the information you can find at our Cabrillo Point section is better, but I am all about providing my website visitors with the information they are looking for. So here you go.
  • Address - 100 Bloomfield Hills Pkwy. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
  • Phone Number - 248-647-2750
  • Fax Number - none listed
  • Website -
  • Email - none listed. You can send them a form through their website.

Can I Interest You In A Peoria AZ Home?

I strive to have the most extensive Peoria Arizona new homes section on the web. If you would like to view the new homes built by Pulte Homes and any other new home builders with new developments in Peoria, take a look at our new homes for sale in Peoria Arizona section.

If you are looking to buy or sell a home please give me a call.


Bobbi Herman

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