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Rent a Home in Arizona

When deciding to rent a home in Arizona, there are usually a few consideration, location, price, and the actual home. Another consideration is should you use a Realtor to help you with renting a home?

Many homes for rent are listed in the MLS. As a Realtor I have access to the listings, and can help you find the right home. This will help you with an idea of what home size, features, and location that you can afford.

I know I am a little biased since I live in Peoria, but there really are a lot of great reasons why you should consider the northwest for you to rent a home.

  • Location - Peoria located in close proximity to the Loop 101 freeway. The city is growing rapidly to the north so there are a lot of new neighborhoods and amenities. The school system is one of the best performing districts in the state, and the prices are resoanble.
  • Homes - The homes in the area range from condos, starter homes, and all the way up to large 4,000 square foot + homes. There are retirement communities for renters over a certain age. There are also short term rentals for people that need temporary living space.
  • Price - Price is relative, and negotiable!! The smart owner of a rental property is going to accept a little less to get their home rented than to take the chance of leaving it on the market empty for another month. If you think about it, the owner may be willing to take $50-$100 less a month because if the home sits on empty for another 30 days that may cost them $1,000 in mortgage payments.

Should You Work With A Realtor To Find A Home To Rent?

The rental home market in Arizona is on fire. You may be someone that has always been a renter, or perhaps you got hit by the change in the real estate market and lost your home recently and have decided to rent. The same thing has happened to a few of my family members. Hopefully by working with a Realtor the process is going to be easier, and hopefully I can get negotiate a better deal for you when you do rent a home.

As a Realtor I have access to the MLS and am able to find more homes available to rent. Also iring a Realtor does not cost you, the renter, any money. My commission is paid by the owner of the rental home. The commission isn't much, usually 3% of the lease. If you figure the average home rental is $1,200 a month and the average lease is one year, then the average commission is $432. It isn't nothing, but if it takes a long time to find the right rental home or condo then is is easy to end up losing money.

I mention this only so you realize I am not asking you to hire me so that I can make money. It can take as long to find a home to buy as it is does when soemone wants to rent a home and the difference in commission is huge. Certainly $400 is great to earn, but I like helping people find rental homes because it starts a new relationship. Maybe someday you end up buying a home, or perhaps someone in your family or a friend is looking for a Realtor. Hopefully you would pass my name along.

If you do rent a home using me as your Realtor you still qualify for the benefits of our client appreciation program. I hope you would consider joining the program by clicking on the link in the right hand column if you haven't already.

If you are going to rent a home a home soon and would like to start looking please contact me and we can start looking for you home right away.

I will be adding to the Renter's section as time goes on so come back to look for more information. We will be adding:
  • Free reports geared towards renters
  • Products and Vendors catering to renters
  • First Time Buyer information
  • and possibly a section specifically on apartments and condos

Free Home Value Report

Interested to find out what your home is worth? I'll prepare a market analysis of your home free of charge.

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Join Our Client Appreciation Program and find out how you can go on a vacation on me.

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